The Parties referred to in this agreement shall be as follows:

  1. Travel Brilliant S.L. trading as Travel Brilliant, Travel Bound or the Travel Bar Group (‘The Company’) – Supplier of Services
  2. Receiver of said Services (‘The Client’)
  3. Persons acting as Servants or Agents for the Company (The Servant or Agent)

In entering into this agreement for the supply of services, the parties agree to be bound by all the conditions, exemptions, and provisions contained herein whether written, printed, or stamped on the front or back hereof. This Agreement is between the Company and the Client and sets out the terms and conditions for the provision of corporate entertainment services (“the Service”) for the Event Date. Where the terms of this Agreement imply obligations, requirements, or constraints on the venue of such event, said venue will be party to said obligations, requirements or constraints by way of the Agreement. “Event Date” – is the date of which the client wishes to book the Service and is stated above “Booking Confirmation” – this is attached to this agreement and is the program of events for the Event Date “Service” – the supply of various activities and events and the provision of associated services more fully described in the Booking Confirmation “Contract Price” – is the price for the Service and defined above. The client is liable to pay the Contract Price in accordance with the terms herein.

The Parties hereby agree:

  1. Its is hereby expressly agreed that each and every Servant or Agent of the Company (including every Independent Contractor from time to time employed by the Company) shall take the benefit of every exemption and limitation herein contained and every exemption from liability, defense, and immunity of whatever nature applicable to the Company or to which the Company is entitled hereunder shall also be available and shall extend to protect every such Servant or Agent of the Company and for the purposes of all the provisions of this condition, the Company is or shall be deemed to be act as agents or trustee on behalf of and for the benefit of all persons who are or might be its Servants or Agents from time (including Independent Contractors as a aforesaid) and all such persons shall to this extent be or be deemed to be parties to the contract in or evidenced by this agreement.

The responsibility Travel Brilliant S.L. (Travel Brilliant) and/or its agents are limited. Travel Brilliant S.L. acts only as an agent for clients in regard to travel and assumes no liability for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which may be occasional either by reason of defect, through acts of defaults of any company or person engaged in conveying the passengers or in carrying out the arrangements of the tours, or direct or indirect acts of God, fire, breakdown in machinery or equipment, riots, strikes or from any causes beyond the control of Travel Brilliant S. L.


The acceptance of our tour arrangements is deemed to be a consent to the above. A contract will come into force between you and Travel Brilliant S.L after we have received a booking and full payment or agreed deposit and with us having sent you a written acceptance of the booking.  You should check the confirmation of the booking corresponds to your booking and inform us within 24 hours if there is any discrepancy or you do not wish to accept our confirmation. Completion of the booking and acceptance of our confirmation implies the acceptance by the client and Travel brilliant S.L.

If a further deposit is required to secure an event/hotel/tickets, etc. this is non-refundable – all details will be given at time of booking if this applies.

We are an activity based company that provides activities and services to stag and hen parties; therefore all our stag and/or hen weekends must include a day time event. We are unable to just offer night time packages.


Provisional bookings will be held for 24 hours with an agreed deposit for us to secure your services and confirmation from our providers.

Deposit amounts will vary depending on package selected. Upon receipt of deposit, a confirmation of receipt and final payment date will be sent to you or details of an agreed payment plan.  An agreed non-refundable deposit will be used to hold the booking and contract with Travel Brilliant S L and the client.

Full payment of the balance for groups must be completed and paid no later than 4 weeks before the time of travel.  If an extension to the agreed period of time for payments to be made needs to be extended you must contact us before the 4 weeks by email or letter. It is only at our discretion this late payment may be made to hold the booking and for Travel Brilliant to fulfil the services agreed. At any point Travel Brilliant S.L. may cancel the booking with full refund returned to the client.

In the event of inclement weather or other causes or events beyond the control of Travel Brilliant S L. which results in delays of the groups arrival, or the group show up late for an activity or event, it shall not be the responsibility of Travel Brilliant S.L  to pay for resulting costs and expenses, including, but not limited to, additional lodging expense, additional meal(s) expense, or other similar expenses. If an event is cancelled due to weather or any other reason out of Travel Brilliant S.L control a refund will be attempted where possible at Travel Brilliant S.L discretion an alternative will be offered.

It is the clients responsibility to get to the airport on time even if an airport transfer has been booked with Travel Brilliant S.L. In the case of a vehicle been late by more than 30 minutes or a no show the client is responsible for making alternative arrangements to airport for flight.

A refund of the transfer cost will be given in this case from Travel Brilliant S.L to the client.


Any cancellations must be sent immediately by the client via fax, letter or email to Travel Brilliant S.L on the email address Please note that should you cancel your weekend before your cut-off date, any payments made online or over the telephone prior to your booking cancellation will be refunded individually back to a client/s and an administration charge of £10.00 per transaction will be deducted from the amount paid. The booking deposit is non-refundable.

Cancellations must be made at least 28 days to the time of event or travel, there is no refund possible for cancellations made less than 28 days before travel.  If group numbers change so there is a part cancellation this must also be made at least 28 days before arrival.  We reserve the right to cancel the event or booking if there is a change in the group size.

Some events require confirmed numbers at a set date before travel by the client. Travel Brilliant S.L will confirm this information at the point of booking, if your event does require such notice and you have been informed should you cancel the event after this date you will be liable for the event cancellation cost.

Unused tickets or services not used by the client but booked will not be offered a refund.

Refunds will not apply in the following circumstances; war or threat of war, riots, civil unrest, terrorism, industrial disputes, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, technical problems or any other occurrence beyond our control.

Travel Brilliant S.L may cancel a tour at any point if client’s safety is in any way is effected or threatened, including but not limited to adverse weather conditions. If this occurs, we will endeavour to make every effort to reschedule the event for another date. Please be aware we are not obliged to give any refunds in cases of adverse weather conditions.  We may also cancel with no refund if we feel the party behaviour or dress is not suitable to the event. All timings for any events or activities will be provided in your Welcome Pack, this will be sent to you before your weekend. It is your responsibility to ensure you take the Welcome Pack on your weekend as this includes all relevant information for your booking. Please do ensure that you arrive on time.

Should you arrive late and your event or activity time is reduced or cancelled, the Company will not offer a refund or any reimbursement for lateness.

Certain accommodation and event suppliers insist on a behaviour bond and/or security deposit to be deposited by the group on arrival. Please refer to your Welcome Pack for this information or contact our Head Office prior to your weekend.

You are responsible for any damage you cause to the accommodation or other property of our suppliers.

Please also note our suppliers have the right to refuse entry, use of their equipment, or use of their accommodation should you turn up intoxicated, you will not be refunded for loss of part or the whole of your package.


Should you arrive late and your event or activity time is reduced or cancelled, the Company will not offer a refund or any reimbursement for lateness.

Certain accommodation and event suppliers insist on a behaviour bond and/or security deposit to be deposited by the group on arrival.  This is the client’s responsibility to pay and the client is responsible for any damage you cause to the accommodation or other property of our suppliers.

Please also note all our suppliers have the right to refuse entry, use of their equipment, or use of their accommodation should you turn up intoxicated, you will not be refunded for loss of part or the whole of your package.


Travel Brilliant covenants to maintain an insurance policy substantially for any of the events run by themselves and adequate insurance, a summary of which policy is available on request. In the event of a second party supplier being used we use recommended suppliers but it is the clients responsibility to check their insurance before an activity.

The Client will be liable for the first £200 of any damage to the vehicles or other equipment supplied by Travel Brilliant, arising out of an act or omission of the Client, unless the cause of the said damage be deliberate, in which event the said Client will be liable for all the damage so caused.

Each party will be responsible for, and will indemnify the other party with respect to, third party claims for personnel injury and property damage based on each party’s common law liability, including claims by employees of the parties. We advise all clients take holiday insurance for the duration of their event.

The Company and its Servants or Agents accept no responsibility for unforeseen events causing the Event to be cancelled or altered from that contracted for, although every effort will be made to proceed with the Service where at all possible.


If you have a complaint regarding any element of your booking you must notify us in writing by letter, email or fax.

If a complaint arises during your weekend you must telephone our Emergency Contact Number and speak with a company representative, this number will be on your itinerary. If you fail to call and report any such incidents or issues we will not consider ourselves to be liable for those complaints.

Complaints not solved during the duration of your event must be sent to us in writing within 3 working days after your event. We will acknowledge receipt of your correspondence and we will respond to all complaints in written format within 21 days.


  Express Enquiry

Make a quick enquiry and our experts will get back to you ASAP.

Express Enquiry

  Callback Request

Want to speak to the experts? Request a time and our professionals will give you a telephone call, like the good old days!

Callback Request